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company profile

company activities

We offer value-added services
to our customers by way of free storage and transportation of ship spares in transit. the range of services covers worldwide as we attain a broad geographical reach through our offices in Europe, Middle East and Far East.

Company activities

* Supply and servicing of safety equipment, charts & publications, medical stores, deck, engine, cabin, stationary and bonded stores.
* Supply of container lashing and securing gears.
* Tank cleaning and sewerage disposal.
* Freight forwarding, warehousing and consolidation.
* Repair and maintenance of electronic equipment.
* Ship chartering, buying and selling, financing and ship brokerage services.
* Trading in ship and metal scrap.
* Marketing, distributing and selling of Kyodo ceramic back weld strips servicing the ship building and repair, the oil and gas and steel fabrication industry.
* Marketing and selling of Kyodo chemicals for marine and industrial maintenance i.e. Tank cleaning, evaporator treatment, boiler water treatment and many more usage purposes.
* Agents for ameron international marine coatings, for a total maintenance of ships hull, deck and tank treatment/protection.
* Independent and 3rd party marine coating inspection services.
* Engineering and marine inspection services.
* Specialized manpower and project management teams.
* Petroleum product trading.

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